29 April, 2011


                                                                      Kate & William

Ni ile siku iliyokua ikisubiriwa kwa hamu ambayo mjukuu wa Malikia Elizabeth wa pili Prince William anamuoa mchumba wake wa siku nyingi Kate Middleton.Ni siku ya kihistoria zaidi ambapo maandalizi ya harusi hii ya  familia ya malikia yamechukua muda mrefu kutokana na uzito wa tukio lenyewe.Katika kuwahi kujionea tukio live (sikwamba hawana Tv nyumbani) waingereza wengi wamekesha katika Tents nje ya jengo ambapo wawili hao wataoana mapema leo.

Katika tukio hilo ambalo litakua katika ulinzi mkali watu zaidi ya million moja wanatarajia kuhudhuria katika eneo hilo na watu Billion mbili wataona/sikia tukio hilo kupitia vyombo mbalimbali ikiwemo Live Tv,Internet,Radio etc.Habari zaidi zinasema wengine wata jiachia kwa party za mitaani katika kusherekea siku hii ya mapumziko wakati prince William anaoa  jijini London mapema leo. SI VIBAYA KWA WENYE MA HOTELI TANZANIA NA MAHALI PENGINE KUZINGATIA UMUHIMU WA SIKU  HII  KWA KUWABURUDISHA WATEJA WAO (WAINGEREZA) AMBAO KWA TANZANIA WAKO WENGI TU ILI WASIJIONE WAKO MBALI WAKATI WENZAO HUKU (UK)  WALA BATA SIKU NZIMA!

                               Mke na Mme watarajiwa Kate & William                                               

Wageni rasmi katika harusi hii ni 2000 na katika hali isiyo ya kawaida, pamoja na ukaribu uliopo kati ya UK na USA Rais Obama haja alikwa!! Kwa maana hio naye ataona kwenye Tv kama mimi (kama atakua na muda) hii kali  lol.

Kupata Ratiba ya Royal Wedding ingia hapa: http://www.theroyalweddingwilliamkate.com/the-wedding-day-schedule

Kuangalia ROYAL WEDDING LIVE ingia hapa: http://www.royalweddinglive.tv/kate-and-william-wedding-day/


Watu takribani 280 wafariki dunia kwa kimbunga kikali kwa kimatumbi (Tornadoes) nchini Marekani.Kimbunga hicho kilichotokea kusini mwa Marekani (ALABAMA STATE) kimefanya uharibifu mkubwa wa maisha ya watu pamoja na mali zao.Mbali na kuua watu kimbunga hicho kimeharibu miundombinu kama umeme,nyumba,barabara na mingine mingi na kufanya watu wapoteane katika tafrani hio.


Tornado ni janga la asili kama ilivyo tetemeko la Dunia na hutokea pale upepo nyevu wa vugu vugu unapogongana na upepo mkavu wa baridi ambapo wimbi kali la upepo mkali na wenye nguvu hutengenezwa na kusafiri kwa mwendo wa takribani maili 100 kwa saa.Tornado ni janga ambalo hutokea mara kwa mara karibu na GHUBA YA MEXICO  kila Spring (wakati kama huu) na Summer kutokana na mgongano huo wa upepo nyevu na wa moto unaovuma toka  kusini (Ghuba ya Mexico) na kugongana na upepo baridi toka kaskazini mwa nchi ujulikanao kama 'Colder Dry Canadian Winds'.Huku kuna Watanzania wengi tu tuwaombee salama katika maafa hayo na wenye jamaa/ndugu  huko ni vema wakawasiliana kujua hali zao.


Born August 4, 1961 Honolulu, Hawaii,USA 

Barack Obama (Rais wa Marekani)

Baada ya utata kuhusu uraia wa Rais wa Marekani Barack Hussein Obama II,Whitehouse yaachia cheti cha kuzaliwa cha Rais huyo kuvunja utata uliovuma kwa muda mrefu sasa, Cheti kinaonyesha uraia wake kama Mmarekani na sio 'MKENYA' ukitaka kuona cheti bofya link hapa chini

28 April, 2011


Ni katika sakata la uongozi unaodaiwa kuwa ni mbovu nchini Malawi ambapo aliye kua boss wa Malawi enzi za ukoloni ikiitwa Nyasaland (Uingereza/UK) ambaye pia ndio mtoa misaada mkuu nchini humo amesiitisha misaada hio tangu mwaka jana kwa kiasi cha Pauni Million 3 kutokana na matumizi mabovu ya serikali ya Malawi.Kwa mujibu wa gazeti la 'The Telegraph' matumizi mabovu ni pamoja na ununuzi wa ndege ya Rais Bingu Wa Mutharika kwa kiasi cha pauni million 8 kwa nchi masikini kama Malawi.

Katika sakata hilo Balozi wa Uingereza nchini Malawi  Mr Fergus Cochrane-Dyet ameamriwa kuondoka nchini humo kwa kosa la kuikosoa Serikali ya Malawi kwa matumizi mabovu na kunyima uhuru wa wananchi kuongea ama kuikosoa serikali kama ilivyo ripotiwa na wana harakati wa haki za binadamu.Kufuatia uamuzi huo wa Malawi, Uingereza nao wamemtaka kaimu balozi wa Malawi nchini Uingereza kuondoka mara moja. Amri hiyo imetolewa jana na  katibu wa Uingereza mambo ya nje William Hague

20 April, 2011


The Tanzania High Commission in London in collaboration with the Tanzania Association in the UK (TA-UK) are organizing a Tanzania Diaspora Conference (Diaspora 3 London) to take place from Friday, the 6th to Saturday, the 7th May 2011 at Sattavis Patidar Center, Forty Avenue J/W The Avenue, Wembley Park, Middlesex HA9 9PE(London, United Kingdom).

Conference Agenda:
The two-day event is a continuation of the Mission’s efforts to engage the Tanzanian Diaspora in its area of accreditation, including the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. The conference agenda will include matters arising from the past two conferences held in London in 2008 and 2010.

As it was the case with the previous conferences the Tanzanian private sector has been invited to participate. These include banks, NHC and estate agents, employment agencies and strategic companies that will be targeting to employ people from the Diaspora. Tanzanian companies as well as Tanzanian NGOs and groups operating in the UK are encouraged to participate.

 Diaspora 3- London is necessary for the following reasons:

•To carry forward the Government’s commitment to actively engage the diaspora to the development of their country.
•To acknowledge the growing need of the qualified diaspora to relocate back to Tanzania following available opportunities.
•To encourage professional Tanzanians in the Diaspora such as Medical Doctors, Computer engineers, Accountants, to participate in the social economic development activities back in Tanzania.
•To acknowledge the value and importance of the Diaspora and consider the best way for the Government to engage them.
•To review progress made since the establishment of the Diaspora Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.
•And finally to deepen the link between the Diaspora, their Government and their home country.

The theme for this year’s conference is ‘A Participatory Diaspora, a Stronger Tanzania.’ Apart from advocating for the continued efforts of the Government to engage the Diaspora, the theme acknowledges the value and importance of Tanzanian Diaspora in development of our country.

Sattavis Patidar Centre is located just off the North Circular Road and the car park on ‘The Avenue’ Corner of Forty Avenue will be available for the conference attendants. Those wishing to come by bus can take buses number: 245, 223, 83, 182, 297 and PR2. By tube they can use Metropolitan Line or Jubilee Line to Wembley Park.

To register for the event click the following link: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07e3o7xqgo021edbc3&oseq=

14 April, 2011


Wanasema mjumbe hauwawi  KUMBE CHA MTEMA KUNI ANAPATA?  hivi ndivyo ilivyokua kwa mshauri wa Gbagbo ( aliyekua Rais wa Ivory Coast).Hii ilitokea sambamba na kukamatwa kwa Gbagbo ambaye alishindwa uchaguzi mkuu mwishoni mwa mwaka jana (2010) na kung'ang'ania kubaki madarakani kinyume na sheria.Gbagbo ambaye alishindwa kwenye uchaguzi  baina ya Alassane Ouattara  na hatimaye kuamua kuendelea kua Rais na nchi yake kua katika machafuko mpaka alipo tolewa kinguvu mnamo Tar 11/04/2011 kwa msaada wa jeshi la umoja wa mataifa.

                                     Rais wa Ivory Coast Alassane Ouattara kuanzia tar 11/04/2011

Gbagbo ambaye kwasasa amekamatwa na kupelekwa kusiko julikana kwa usalama wake, mpinzani wake Alassane ameahidi kumlindia heshima japo wakati wa kukamatwa ni kama vile alikua kibaka.Ouattara ndio rais wa Ivory Coast ambae ameanza kuitumikia ofisi kihalali tar 11/04/2011

Mwananchi mwenye hasira akimshambulia mshauri wa  serikali ya Gbagbo huko Ivory Coast mara baada ya kukamatwa hoteli ambayo walikaa wakati wa machafuko nchini humo.( kama mambo yenyewe ndio haya sasa ndio nime elewa  maana ya yale mashangingi kutembea kama yameibiwa!!)

Aliyekua Rais wa Ivory Coast Laurent Gbagbo

 Zaidi soma hapa http://www.metro.co.uk/news/860721-new-era-for-ivory-coast-as-leader-laurent-gbagbo-spirited-away

11 April, 2011


                                 A woman with full-face veil (photo from upi.com)

France has banned Muslim women from wearing full  face veil.Today the law is put in effect and several emerges have been released depicting the type of veils that are not allowed.Generally the ban seems to be applicable (if the veil is worn)  mainly in public because according to the police guidelines in the implementetion of the law,victims will not be forced to remove veils and that the ban does not apply (if worn) inside private cars.

So far, those  violating the law will be fined up to  £132 (150 euros). Early reports shows police have already arrested 59 women in the exercise of enforcing the law.On the other hand Muslim leaders have said they support neither the veil nor the law banning it. (????!!!)

For more info read:  http://uk.news.yahoo.com/5/20110411/twl-french-ban-muslim-women-from-wearing-3fd0ae9.html


      Hii ndio foleni siku za mwanzoni kuelekea kwa Babu-Loliondo

       Foleni kwa mbali ilikua kama hivi kuelekea Loliondo kwa Babu

4x4 ndio ulikua mpango mzima kuelekea kwa babu ukizingatia barabara zetu ni mbaya zaidi hasa mvua ikinyesha.

Huyu ndiye Babu Mwaisapile akiwa kazini na hatimaye kuiteka Bongo sasa hivi uki google Loliondo wonders utapata habari nyingi za huyu Babu kwenye vyombo vya habari ndani na nje ya Tanzania.

Babu anazidi kugawa 'dose'

Mheshimiwa na mpiganaji tegemeo naye alikuwepo...

Waheshimiwa pia walikuwepo...

Serikali haikua na namna bali kuunga mkono jitahada za babu pamoja na kuahidi kuwepo kwa 'research kuhusu dawa ya babu ambayo mpaka sasa HATUNA MAJIBU KAMILI ni matumaini baada ya utafiti huo kukamilika tutapata kueleweshwa..

Babu alipata mpinzani toka Mbeya na Kikombe cha Mbeya ndio hiki maandalizi yanaendelea

Huyu ndio Dogo wa Mbeya (17yrs) Kikombe chake kilikua bure
Kwa dogo Mbeya hali ilikua kama hivi..

Huyu mtoto sijui hata anajua hio ni dawa usikute anadhani CHAI!! kazi kweli kweli!

Kikombe cha kwa dada Tabora ni maombi kwanza kabla hujakipata Kikombe!! 'Yaani sala na kazi'

Kwa dada Tabora watu kibao kama kawa
Kikombe cha Moro kikiwa kina andaliwa..

Baadae Kikombe cha Moro mambo yakawa hivi.. na bei ni 200/=

Safari hii Kikombe ni Njombe kwa Dr Mwandulami (58) ni bure 'until further notice'
Wananchi wakipata Kikombe cha Dr Mwandulami Njombe Mkoani Iringa.

Sasa hapa tumwamini nani katika hivi vikombe?? Na je ni lini serikali itatuambia ukweli kuhusu hivi vikombe? Je ikigundulika vikombe ni 'fake' nani wa kulaumiwa/kuwajibishwa?.Kusema kweli huu mwaka ni waajabu na mwamko kama mlivyoona ni mkubwa watu wana amini vikombe sana.Tujiulize ni kwanini??  je ni kutokana na matatizo yetu kiafya au wewe unaonaje?.Wizara ya afya ituambie baada ya utafiti kukamilika ili wananchi wajue kama kweli tiba ipo au ndio propaganda tu.

06 April, 2011


Sasa  dozi ni VIKOMBE VITATU  huko Njombe,Tafakari ya mwaka na haijawahia tokea Tanzania.Basi wakati tunatafakari VIKOMBE ambavyo mimi nafikiri ni Imani zaidi ndio huponya basi tusisahau na Burudani (wanasema raha jipe mwenyewe) lakini mara nyingine raha unapewa.Hii nyimbo ya Banana nimeipenda sana kama vipi isikilize ukiwa katika tafakari ya VIKOMBE LOLIONDO kwa Babu (500) ,MBEYA  kwa dogo (Bure) ,TABORA kwa mama (500) ,MOROGORO  kwa dada (200 /= hii nadhani ni sale itaisha.......!!!) NA SASA NI NJOMBE  Dr Mwandulami vikombe 3 bure ikthibitika inaponya utalipa.............???!!!.Big money!!!

03 April, 2011


Picha sijui yanani kama yako niambie nikuandike
You would wonder why today i'm talking about politics and certainly some of you might think I'm into politics! To be clear I don't do politics in real life though my career started with the same field (Science of Politics) which is technically not the politics we live (My view). So much so, my interest in this post is mainly to highlight some issues that (in my view and other people's views if any) any Government  MUST (if necessary) avoid Or face the consequences like CANADA,TUNISIA,EGYPT,LIBYA,YEMEN,SYRIA to mention a few. where political illegitimacy has (in one way or the other) appeared to the World.

Hereunder (in a point form) are the few things that undermine political legitimacy of any Goverment:
1.Giving unfulfilled promises to citizens every now and then.
2.Assuming Citizens don't know of any embezzlement (If any) by Government leaders/officials.
3.Being corrupt
4.Unequal distribution of National wealth in a particular State or Nation.
5.Cutting benefits that affect Citizens i.e Health Service,Housing,Education etc
6.Using public office as a family business enterprise where the  whole favour goes to the Family & Family friends.
7.Do not listen to citizens of any concern assuming the complaints are not basic
8.Making the constitution that favour the rulling system for example lifetime president (including those serving for a long time as if they are the only best leaders to cling on power  as per their wish)
9.Rampant unemployment
10.Poor social services i.e Health,Education etc.

02 April, 2011



The Maker of all human beings (GOD) is recalling all units manufactured, regardless of make or year, due to a serious defect in the primary and central component of the heart.

This is due to a malfunction in the original prototype units code named Adam and Eve, resulting in the reproduction of the same defect in all subsequent units. This defect has been technically termed "Sub-sequential Internal Non-Morality," or more commonly known as S.I.N., as it is primarily expressed.

Some of the symptoms include:
1. Loss of direction
2. Foul vocal emissions
3. Amnesia of origin
4. Lack of peace and joy
5. Selfish or violent behavior
6. Depression or confusion in the mental component
7. Fearfulness
8. Idolatry? (   )
9. Rebellion

The Manufacturer, who is neither liable nor at fault for this defect, is providing factory-authorized repair and service free of charge to correct this defect.

The Repair Technician, JESUS, has most generously offered to bear the entire burden of the staggering cost of these repairs. There is no additional fee required.

The number to call for repair in all areas is: P-R-A-Y-E-R.
Once connected, please upload your burden of SIN through the REPENTANCE procedure. Next, download ATONEMENT from the Repair Technician, Jesus, into the heart component.

No matter how big or small the SIN defect is, Jesus will replace it with:
1. Love
2. Joy
3. Peace
4. Patience
5. Kindness
6. Goodness
7. Faithfulness
8. Gentleness
9. Self control

Please see the operating manual, the B.I.B.L.E. (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth) for further details on the use of these fixes.

WARNING: Continuing to operate the human being unit without correction voids any manufacturer warranties, exposing the unit to dangers and problems too numerous to list and will result in the human unit being permanently impounded. For free emergency service, call on Jesus.

DANGER: The human being units not responding to this recall action will have to be scrapped in the furnace. The SIN defect will not be permitted to enter Heaven so as to prevent contamination of that facility. Thank you for your attention!

Thanks to http://lukwangule.blogspot.com/

01 April, 2011



                                                     WIZ KHALIFA-NO SLEEP

                                                PANEL FT- ALI KIBA - BARUA

MwanaFa ft A.Y and Mack D : Nimwamini Nani