19 April, 2010

Anataka mara 10 kwa siku!!!!

Maajabu yaliyotokana na wii fit , hii ni video game ilo tengenezwa na Nintendo maalumu kwa kufanyia mazoezi kwa kufuatiza video. Mwanamke mmoja yamempata baada ya kuanguka akiwa anafanya mazoezi kutumia hio wii fit video game na kuumia mshipa ambao kwa mujibu wa daktari wake mwanamke huyo atakua na misisimko ya mapenzi isiyo isha. Kwahio sasahivi mwanamke huyu ataka apewe mara 10 kwa siku.Mwanamke huyo mwenye umri wa miaka 24 aishie jijini manchester amekaririwa akisema kuanguka kwake kumempelekea awe mpenda ngono kupita kawaida na anataka afanye angalau mara 10 kwa siku na anaamini ipo siku atapata mwanaume mwenye uwezo huo …lol sijui kama yupo 10x a day????!! duuuh. Habari zaidi zinasema mitetemo kama ya simu, mashine ya kuosha na mingine humfanya huyo dada asisimke na kua tayari kabisa kwa tendo la ndoa.

Hata hivyo waosha vinywa hawakubaki nyuma, wamesikika wakisema lazima wawanunulie mashine ya aina hio wapenzi wao ili nao wawe wanapenda ngono kama huyo dada….sina hakika kama wanauwezo huo wa mara kumi kwa siku kama sio kua wateja wa viagra hehehe kazi kweli kweli.Aidha madai ya watu kuumia kupitia wii fit hapa UK mengi yame postiwa youtube. Kwahio watumiaji wa wii fit wameshauriwa kua makini na matumizi ya hio video game kuepuka madhara mbalimbali yanayo weza hatarisha afya zao.inaonyesha wii fit ina watumiaji wengi sana. Wii fit is an exercise game ambayo imeshika nafasi ya pili kimauzo katika Video games in history).

Kwa habari zaidi soma hapa: http://www.postchronicle.com/news/original/article_212295798.shtml

Kanya boya zaidi mitandaoni...

Wed, 7 April, 2010 15:17:45
From: Dr Maiga
To: . <.@yahoo.com>


Greetings From Dr David Maiga

Dear Friend,
I am Dr David Maiga the manager auditing and accounting department African Development Bank.(ADB) Ouagadougou Burkina-faso in West Africa.For your kind attention,I will be very glad if you do assist me to relocate this sum of ($26.5M US dollars) to your account for the benefit of our both families.I discovered unclaimed sum of $26.5m US dollars in our bank which belonged to one of our late foreign customer who died with his entire family in Kenya plane crash on July 2003.

This is a genuine business,only that I cannot operate it alone without using a Foreigner who will stand as a beneficiary to the fund.The request of a foreigner as next of kin and beneficiary of the fund is because the foreigner will stand as next of kin to the deceased,that is why I decided to contact you in a good manner to assist me and also to share the benefit together with me.

The banking law and guideline here stipulates that if such money remained unclaimed after seven years,the money will be transferred into the bank treasury as unclaimed fund.You will be entitled to 40 % of this money as foreign partner,since you provide an account for the claim,5 % will be set aside for expenses incurred during the business and 55 % will be for me.There after I will visit your country for disbursement and sharing of the fund according to the percentages indicated if agreed.

By indicating your interest all other necessary vital information will be send to you on how the business will be executed.Please keep this proposal as a top secret and delete it,if you are not interested.

Now my questions are:
1) Can you handle this project?

Please let us get this fund transfer into your account.I look forward to receive your reply as soon as you receive this email.

All the best to you from,
Dr David Maiga.

NB: Sijawahi sikia mtu anataka msaada wa kutumia akaunti ya mtu mwingine zaidi ya hizi za wizi ulio enea mitandaoni, kaeni chonjo wadau. Wizi kama huu umeenea sana mitandaoni kwa style mbali mbali kwahio ukipata e-mail ambayo imekaa kipesa pesa basi ujue umetegwa na kama hutakua makini utaibiwa, watu wengi washaibiwa sana na watu wa design hii.